Sunday School

Elective Program

A Letter From the

We believe biblical illiteracy is one of the greatest
plagues in the North American church. To combat this
apathetic culture, we hope to provide opportunities for
attendees at Bethel to grow in their understanding of
Scriptural interpretation and application, thereby
growing in their love for the Lord and for the lost world.

We are adding a series of electives to our Sunday School
program, each course being one quarter in length and
repeating once within the church’s academic year. This
three-year program will be repeated each cycle to a)
include the timeless tools necessary for the Christian life
and b) be modified to tackle contemporary issues facing
Christians and the Church.

Our hope is that as interest grows in these electives, we could expand the program into semester-length
courses within the context of a Bible Institute, an institute designed to take participants even deeper into the
respective subject matters. This future institute would include a Certificate of Completion which we believe
could become a desired designation of achievement sought out by interested churches, Christian schools,
mission agencies, and other ministries.

Our initial targeted audience with the elective program is intentionally small: those who regularly attend Bethel.
Others within the Sarasota community are welcome to attend. If the program gains traction and expands into a
Bible Institute, we anticipate a broader reach into our community and beyond is possible.

Please pray that our meager early efforts would be pleasing to God and grow fruit for His kingdom, fruit of
eternal consequence.

Jeremy Burkholder, Sheldon Campbell, AJ Miller, and Shawn Otto

  • World Religions and Cults
  • Apologetics
  • Christian Ethics

Jeremy Burkholder

  • Old Testament Survey
  • New Testament Survey
  • Church History

AJ Miller

  • Marriage and Family
  • Eschatology
  • Christianity and Culture

Sheldon Campbell

  • Biblical Interpretation
  • Counseling
  • Systematic Theology

Shawn Otto

Who’s teaching each class?

Fall 2024

Winter 2025

Spring 2025

Summer 2025

Biblical Interpretation

Marriage & Family

World Religions & Cults

Old Testament Survey

Old Testament Survey

World Religions & Cults

Marriage & Family

Biblical Interpretation

Fall 2025

Winter 2026

Spring 2026

Summer 2026




New Testament Survey

New Testament Survey




Fall 2026

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Summer 2027

Systematic Theology

Christianity & Culture

Systematic Theology

Church History

Church History

Christian Ethics

Christianity & Culture

Christian Ethics

Class Schedule






Current Classes

  • The study of “Marriage and Family” offers a comprehensive exploration of the principles and teachings
    found within the Bible regarding the sacred institution of marriage and the dynamics of a godly family.
    Through a deeply rooted scriptural lens, this study delves into key topics such as the purpose and
    significance of marriage, the roles and responsibilities of spouses, effective communication and conflict
    resolution, parenting principles, and fostering a spiritually nurturing home environment.

Marriage & Family

Have you ever wondered what the differences are between Catholics, Protestants, and Anabaptists?
Perhaps you would like to know more about Islam and Hinduism. Or maybe Mormons and Jehovah’s
Witnesses are on the top of your list. This course will introduce you to thirteen distinct religious groups over
a period of thirteen weeks, giving you a glimpse of their origins and core beliefs. This course will help you
better understand what the Bible teaches in comparison to other religious groups, with the purpose of
equipping you with biblical knowledge and evangelization skills for when you meet them

  • in the public square.

World Religions and Cults

Class Descriptions

Coming Winter 2026

Coming summer 2025

  • Are you prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you? Did
    you know that is a command in Scripture? Apologetics comes from the Ancient Greek word apologia, and is
    used to describe the practice of defending the Christian faith. This activity can be traced all the way back to
    the early Christian church, and even the apostle Paul engaged in apologetics. This course will introduce you
    to various apologetic methods Christian have used over the past two thousand years, with the purpose of
    preparing you to effectively defend your faith from a thoroughly biblical perspective.


Coming Winter 2027

Is it okay to avoid paying taxes on cash payments? Can you vote Democrat, or must you always vote
Republican? Can you vote at all? What about war, economics, and social media? These are all questions that
Christians have to think about. And in this course we will look at the history of Christian ethics, and how the
church has differed in important subjects over the years. More importantly, this course will examine
presuppositional beliefs and historical contexts that have led to the various differences regarding Christian
ethics over the years. The purpose of this course is to help Christians develop sound biblical principles that
can help them know how to live with a distinctly Christian worldview in a fallen culture.

Christian Ethics

Coming Winter 2027

  • This study delves into the relationship between Christianity and the prevailing cultural trends of our time. As
    our society undergoes significant transformations, it becomes increasingly important to examine how
    Christian beliefs and values intersect with and shape the state of our current culture. We will explore key
    themes such as secularism , pluralism, consumerism, individualism, globalization, and social justice from
    both a theological and sociological perspective.

Christianity and Culture

Coming fall 2026

  • A lot can happen in 1,955 years. In this course, we will attempt to cover the major events that have shaped
    the Church into what she is today. The early Church fathers, Constantine and Nicea, the Medieval period,
    and the Reformation are just a few events on this roller-coaster ride. You will come away with an
    appreciation of the godly men and women who passed their faith down to the next generation, as well as a
    renewed faith in how God shapes world events for his glory.

Church History

Coming Winter 2026

  • This course is designed to provide an understanding of various end time Bible prophecies, with a particular
    emphasis on the pre-tribulation view. Students will delve into the Scriptures, historical analysis, and
    theological perspectives to gain a solid foundation on topics such as the tribulation, the Antichrist, the
    Rapture, and the Millennium. Through comprehensive discussions and readings, students will develop a
    deeper understanding of the pre-tribulation view and its place within Christian eschatology.


  • The study of “Marriage and Family” offers a comprehensive exploration of the principles and teachings
    found within the Bible regarding the sacred institution of marriage and the dynamics of a godly family.
    Through a deeply rooted scriptural lens, this study delves into key topics such as the purpose and
    significance of marriage, the roles and responsibilities of spouses, effective communication and conflict
    resolution, parenting principles, and fostering a spiritually nurturing home environment.

Marriage & Family

Coming fall 2025

  • The arrival of the promised Messiah, Jesus the Son of God, is the axis on which all of History revolves
    around. It changed the whole world! Survey of the New Testament covers the 27 books documenting this
    historic time. We will cover the Gospels, Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation as we look at how all these pieces
    fit together, and how Jesus fulfilled everything promised in the Old Testament.

New Testament Survey

Coming summer 2025

  • From the dawn of Creation to awaiting the coming Messiah, the 39 books of the Old Testament lay the
    foundation for what God would do in His plan of redemption. In Survey of the Old Testament, we will cover
    the 4 categories of scripture found there: The Pentateuch, the books of history, the books of poetry and
    proverbs, and the Prophets. How do they all fit together? Although Man continues to fail and stumble, join us
    as we look at how God has been faithful through the ages.

Old Testament Survey

Coming fall 2026

  • Dive into the foundations of the faith! Unravel the interconnected truths of Christian doctrine as we explore
    key theological concepts in a comprehensive and accessible manner. From understanding the nature of God
    and the Trinity to examining the significance of salvation and eschatology, this course provides the solid
    framework for comprehending the systematic coherence of biblical teachings. Join us on a thought-
    provoking journey as we navigate the core tenets of theology, fostering a deeper understanding of your
    faith and its application in the contemporary world.

Systematic Theology

Have you ever wondered what the differences are between Catholics, Protestants, and Anabaptists?
Perhaps you would like to know more about Islam and Hinduism. Or maybe Mormons and Jehovah’s
Witnesses are on the top of your list. This course will introduce you to thirteen distinct religious groups over
a period of thirteen weeks, giving you a glimpse of their origins and core beliefs. This course will help you
better understand what the Bible teaches in comparison to other religious groups, with the purpose of
equipping you with biblical knowledge and evangelization skills for when you meet them in the

  • public square.

World Religions and Cults

Coming fall 2025

  • Embark on a transformative exploration of the basic tools and knowledge necessary to minister the Word
    personally. Many will find this training helpful in their individual relationship with Jesus, their own
    relationships, and in their ministry to others. Participants will learn the key elements for personal ministry as
    well as receive introductory teaching on the heart in the sanctification process. Join us as we explore other
    common counseling issues including biblical communication, roles in marriage, anger, and depression.


(Basic Biblical Counseling Concepts)

  • Join us on a captivating journey through Biblical interpretation in this engaging and interactive course.
    Explore the essential principles of hermeneutics, investigating historical and cultural contexts, literary
    genres, and theological perspectives that shape our understanding of the Scriptures. Equip yourself with the
    tools to navigate complex passages, fostering a deeper connection to the Word of God and empowering you
    to apply its timeless wisdom to the challenges of the present day.

Biblical Interpretation